We celebrated our 6 month birthday at the end of June with much fanfare......well, from me at least. In addition to sleeping in her own room and her own crib, Avery is now rolling over completely on her own. From back to front and front to back. This has made a WORLD of difference in our sleep. We've gone from getting up three to four times a night to getting up once, or not at all! But it's the cutest thing - I lay her down on her back to sleep and the second she's free of my hands she immediately rolls to her side. Everyone kept telling us that once she's able to roll over on her stomach by herself that she'd start sleeping through the night and it was true. Huge milestone reached for us.

Today we went for our six month check up and she's doing wonderfully. Weighing in at 16.25 lbs and grew another 1.5 inches in the last six weeks. Trust me, she looks every bit of that 16 lbs. But there's nothing better than a cute little chunky baby. It does make dressing a bit harder since her middle area fits great in 6 months clothes but those fat lil thighs are pushing it!
This past holiday weekend Avery and I rode down to Winterville with my parents to visit a friend of theirs that they used to bowl with when we lived in Florida. Scott's lab had puppies and us being us just had to go see them. I climbed into the cage with all eight puppies and sat with Avery in my lap and she was in HEAVEN!! She plays with our dogs but they're full grown and can easily pull away from her when they're done but these puppies had no idea what hit them.
On Saturday for July Fourth we went over to the Lee's house for the annual cook-out and fireworks. Avery was a big hit and stayed happy despite the heat. She ended up spending the night at my parents so she missed the actual fireworks - I think it's a bit too soon for that kind of loud and it was way past her bedtime when we set them off.
Over the last few days Avery's really found her voice. She spends about 90% of her awake time yelling and talking and letting us all know she's here. I'll admit, it's very, very cute but some times.... after a long day at work and long car ride home the last thing I want to hear is her yelling for four hours non-stop. But when she smiles.....you just forget all the crappy things and can't help but be happy.
In the coming weeks we've got lots going on - Andrew's going to the beach for the week and then I'm going to visit some family in Connecticut and taking Avery with me. So there'll be tons and tons of pictures and video from that visit.
Until next time.....
Meaghan, Andrew and Avery
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