Ugh, it's been such a busy few weeks for us. Between our ever day life and Andrew's new job and then all of us getting sick, I feel like I need a vacation just to recover.
Mary's graduation was a few weeks ago (YAAAAY!! So beyond proud) on Saturday and I noticed that Avery was a bit sniffly and had a cough. Thankfully it didn't turn into anything....just teething!! She's got one tooth coming in at the bottom but it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all so that's a huge relief for me. Teething was the one thing I was really scared about. You hear so many horror stories about it that I just kept thinking the worst. But so far, so good. *fingers crossed* So she might not have got sick but I was on my deathbed. Whatever virus thing is going around is a killer. I was completely useless for almost a week. But I'm feeling a million times better, still have that lingering cough but that's doable.

Just last week we moved from the baby food/ rice cereal mix to full baby food from the jar. It might not seem like much to other people but it's super exciting for me. A lot messier but so much fun. The fact that she's loving it makes it all the more exciting. Hopefully she won't have my eating issues though.
This past weekend for Memorial Day, the three of us went over to Jon and Lori's for a cook out and play date. It was the most beautiful day to be outside - no clouds, sunny, slight breeze. We had the best afternoon just hanging out and talking. The girls had all sort of fun together, holding hands and giggling. At one point, Avery had her toe in Jordan's mouth! I just wish I had taken a picture of it.
Then on Monday we went over to Mimi and Pop-pops to grill out. It was another great afternoon AND we got to wear a new outfit Gramma bought a few weeks ago for us! The sunglasses are a bit big still but we had to wear them to complete the look. Mimi did Andrew and I the biggest favor and had a sleepover with Avery last night so we could get some sleep. We've basically been the walking dead for the last week as we finally started crib training.

I never ever thought getting a kid to sleep in a crib would be so hard. It's not the waking up that's the problem, it's just staying in the crib. Ever since we brought her home she's been sleeping in the rock n' play or the bouncy chair or on me for a while there. But she's getting to be too big for the rock n' play and she really needs to be in the crib. So last week we put her in there last Monday night. That last all of three hours, which I was happy to take. It was three hours longer than she'd stayed in there before. I personally feel like every night it's getting a little better but Andrew doesn't seem to think so. She's still getting up four or five times a night which is beyond me. She eats a whole jar of food and then a bottle all before bed so she should, theoretically, sleep though most of the night. But we're still having to give her a bottle when she wakes up at night. I can only hope that lessens over the next few weeks. But at least she's sleeping in her room all night and no longer in my room.

There's nothing really new to report so until next time....
Meaghan, Andrew and Avery